Women’s Summit 2022 Recap

75% of CEOs are women. The 10 richest people in the world are female. #metoo is over. We chose strong and provocative figures and scenarios, when we started the campaign for our 2022 Forbes DA Women’s Summit under the motto “Superwoman”. Obviously, these numbers are fictitious – the reality shows quite the opposite. But the Forbes Women’s Summit showed that change is very much possible – if we all work together to make it happen.

On October 20, 2022, during our more than 9 hour-long agenda, 35 Superwomen discussed their ideas on how to rethink entrepreneurship, leadership, art, diplomacy and society as a whole to pave the way for making the above numbers a little more realistic. Against the backdrop of a painting by Viennese artist Deborah Sengl, speakers such as supermodel-turned-entrepreneur Lena Gercke; Israeli singer Noga Erez; Porsche board member Barbara Frenkel (the first female board member in Porsche’s history); future astronaut Alyssa Carson; Olympic gold medalist Anna Gasser; South African inventor Kiara Nirghin; and many, many more shared their ideas, views and perspectives.

They not only gave smart answers to the big questions we asked them, but also demonstrated once again how intelligent, capable and diverse today’s Superwomen are. And while change doesn’t happen overnight, the participants of the Summit definitely took away some inspiration and motivation on doing their part to make it happen.

The Forbes Women’s Summit and its year-long campaign is only possible because of our strong network of partners. was made possible through a strong network of partners. This includes the German streetwear and sneakers company Snipes, United Nations Global Compact; luxury carmaker Porsche AG; the real estate company BUWOG; tech company Hubspot; Vitra; our academic partners TU Wien, Start Global and WU Executive Academy; law firms Dorda, Wenger Plattner and Luther; and Linz-based Partner Bank AG. With their help we were able to bring the 2022  Forbes Women’s Summit to life.

But the Summit is part of a bigger picture. At the beginning of November, our Forbes Women magazine issue will hit the newsstand. The magazine features heart surgeon and Women’s Summit speaker Dilek Gürsoy, the first woman to transplant an artificial heart in Europe, on its cover. And it will include a lengthy feature on the Summit, including behind the scenes photos of our three broadcast studios.

We look forward to writing the next act, and hope you will join us along this journey.


Text: The Forbes DACH team
Fotos: David Visnjic (Vienna), Jasmin Schuller (Berlin), Mara Truog (Zurich)

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