#U30 Q&A: Kelvyn Colt

Rapper Kelvyn Colt verrät uns, wie sich der Alltag für einen Unternehmer und Musiker aufgrund der Selbstisolation verändert hat - und ob es für ihn überhaupt Veränderungen gab.

What opportunities does this crisis offer all young entrepreneurs?

"This is an opportunity to rise to the occasion. Come up with innovative and sustainable ideas on how to continue running a partly live entertainment business with the challenges we are facing. We've skipped 7 years and are now all living in the future! We've had to shift the majority of our focus to the digital world only and do it immediately. For our business; we are working on giving the audience at home a positive and entertaining experience through online platforms, communication apps - but also planning innovative opportunities for Kelvyn's TBHG community and fans who now won't have the financial opportunity to buy his music or go to a festival or live show. We are also including them in our plannings.”

A statement from Line Rindvig, Colt’s Manager and Business Partner about Diversity and Inclusion:

"Now more than ever, it's important we think of inclusion, we are all more or less paralyzed and affected by this drastic lockdown by our Governments. Communication and inclusion are key to survival time like these. We are home alone, but not lonely going through this experience".

Kelvyn Colt
... wuchs als Kelvyn Ajala in Wiesbaden auf. Nach einem nicht erfolgreichen Versuch, Rechtswissenschaften zu studieren, ging Colt nach London, wo er an der University of Buckingham das Studium Business Enterprise betrieb. Zeitgleich arbeitete Colt in London an seiner Karriere als Musiker. Heute treibt mit seinem Unternehmen Triple Black Heart Gang seine Musikkarriere voran.


Kelvyn Colt ist Mitglied der Forbes DACH 30 Under 30-Liste 2019. Mehr über Kelvyn Colt lesen.

Hier geht es zur 30 Under 30-Coverstory mit Kelvyn Colt.

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