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Scientist, Innovator, Speaker
Kiara Nirghin is a Stanford Gen Z technologist, inventor and author, originally from Johannesburg, now based in New York City. She is an advocate for environmental conservation through innovation and science, as well as the empowerment of young girls in STEM. The list of the 22 year old’s many accomplishments includes winning the grand prize at the Google Science Fair with her patented and acquired climate change solution to the worldwide drought, as well as being featured on Time Magazine’s Most Influential, Forbes and Glamour Magazine’s College Women of the Year. Kiara’s passion for the movement of fashion and culture into Web 3.0, has caught the eye of multiple brands including Prada, Gucci, Loewe, Adidas and Audi to name a few. She has also been invited by TED, Vogue and Forbes Women to speak about her technological and environmental work. As a United Nations Young Champion of the Earth, Kiara published her first book with Penguin Random House in 2019 titled Youth Revolution.